Support for seniors
Independence for life.
Experiencing some change in sight is common as you age, but going through a gradual loss of vision, does not mean you have to lose your independence. Learn practical techniques with our dedicated team of experts, retain your quality of life and stay active — regardless of your vision level.
Stay independent at home, continue to spend quality time with your family and grandchildren, care for yourself or your partner, handle grocery shopping and cooking, attend appointments unassisted, and enjoy books and television with Guide Dogs Victoria by your side. Whatever you need to retain your independence, we can equip you with the skills to achieve your goals.
Achieve real outcomes
Learn skills to stay independent.
- With personalised support from Occupational Therapists, you can learn skills to prepare meals, clean your home, and manage your own financial transactions.
- Gain more confidence moving through the community with Guide Dog Mobility Training, and enjoy the companionship and powerful connection of working with a Guide Dog.
- Make your life easier with Technology Training. Learn how the right device can help you move through the world, enjoy books and television, and complete daily independence goals.
- Enjoy getting out and about with your grandchildren or travelling around for daily tasks and recreation, with skills learned in Orientation & Mobility Training.
- Manage your change in vision and learn to use your remaining eyesight effectively, at home with Occupational Therapists and on-the-go with Mobility Services.
- Understand your options for financial assistance, including My Aged Care Support, to cover the costs associated with programs.
- Our Orthoptists can offer education, assessment and consultation to ensure your lifestyle and environment are optimised to your vision level or abilities.
Services for seniors
Choose from our services.
Adult’s Mobility Services
Mobility training provides practical skills to help you fluidly and confidently move through daily environments.
Find out more about Adult’s Mobility Services
Occupational Therapy Support
Occupational Therapists are health professionals who support people of all ages to achieve individual goals in everyday life.
Learn about Occupational Therapy Support
Guide Dogs
Guide Dogs are trained to help you navigate your daily environment. Each dog is carefully matched with your personal characteristics and specific needs.
My Aged Care Support
The Australian Government helps fund many services to help senior Australians maintain their independence through My Aged Care supports.
Case study: hear Colleen's story
Colleen's story.
Colleen is an adventurer and hasn’t let her declining sight hold her back. Colleen is one of GDV’s first clients on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), and she had found the experience to be very positive.
“NDIS is based on what I want to do, rather than just fixing a problem.” she says.
Colleen has rod/cone dystrophy in her retina, and her eye sight has been getting progressively worse as the years go by. Recently, it reached a point where she felt she needed a Guide Dog to feel safe. Colleen has had her Guide Dog, Freeman, for two years now.
She likes to knit and cook, but her speech software was limited and could no longer support her in the ways she needed. An Occupational Therapist from GDV assessed her for a Scanning and Reading Appliance (SARAs), to be built into her NDIS plan.
“It has really changed my life, as I can now access print material independently, whenever I want.” Colleen says.
Colleen is now attending a fortnightly craft group and is continuing to be active and busy in the community with the support of GDV, including regular trips to Melbourne and a recent trip to Nepal with friends!
About your funding options
Get financial support.
You may be able to access funding and assistance through My Aged Care Support. This will help cover the costs of training and support services. We offer a number of programs you can access as part of government-subsidised aged care services. Be reassured, we will always provide support regardless of your financial situation.

Request a service.
For more information on accessing support, training programs, or to start improving or regaining your independence:
- Phone: 1800 804 805
- Email:
If you are hoping to access support for someone you know, we welcome referrals from friends, family members, and a wide range of health professionals.