Governance commitment
Guide Dogs Victoria is governed in accordance with:
- the Corporations Act 2001
- the Guide Dogs Victoria Articles of Association
- the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012
- the Charities Act 1978
The Board, in undertaking its role in representing Guide Dogs Victoria’s Members, and in promoting and protecting Guide Dogs Victoria is committed to:
- Better practice standards of governance.
- Overseeing and monitoring our business using due care and diligence to ensure our long term reputation and financial sustainability, and our vision is achieved.
- Acting in good faith, with honesty and integrity, and in the best interests of our Members, clients, staff, volunteers and other stakeholders.
Our commitment to leading standards
The Board is comprised of up to eleven unpaid non-executive directors. Each member is elected by the Members or co-opted to fill casual vacancies. The CEO is not a Board member.
The Board has established and maintains a suite of policies and procedures that guide the organisation and promotes adherence to legislative and excellence standards of governance. Key Board policies can be found on this page.
Board Committees have been established to cover the key areas of our business. Each Committee focuses on specific tasks and programs being undertaken by Management, aligned to our Strategic Directions.
Our Board
The Guide Dogs Victoria Board consists of up to eleven directors.
The Board is responsible for the development of our organisational strategic directions, monitoring organisational performance, and overseeing organisational governance and risk requirements. The Board operates the following subcommittees:
- Audit, Finance and Risk Management
- Remuneration
- Nominations
- Future is in Sight: Campus Redevelopment
- Future is in Sight: Innovation

Board Governance Policies
Our commitment to leading standards
- GDV Board Charter
- GDV Board Code of Conduct
- GDV Board Recruitment Policy
- GDV Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter
- GDV Remuneration Committee Charter
- GDV Consumer Advisory Council
- GDV Dog Welfare and Ethics Advisory Committee Charter
- GDV Nominations Committee Charter
- GDV Future Is In Sight: Campus Redevelopment Charter
- GDV Future Is In Sight: Innovation Committee Charter
Executive Leadership Team
Our Executive Leadership Team is comprised of six key positions.
The Executive Leadership Team is responsible for implementing the overarching organisational strategy set by the Board. The team ensures that performance goals are met and that our work and programs are undertaken efficiently, effectively and sustainably. Key Leadership Team positions include:
- Chief Executive Officer
- Chief Operations Officer
- General Manager People and Culture
- General Manager Dog and Vision Services
- General Manager Fundraising and Philanthropy
- Executive Assistant to the CEO

Councils and Committees
Consumer Advisory Council
The Consumer Advisory Council of Guide Dogs Victoria plays an important role in facilitating the exchange of information and ideas between Guide Dogs Victoria, the Board and most importantly, the people with low vision who use our services.
GDV’s CAC comprises of Clients and parents who volunteer their time to assess and provide advice about Client training, as well as identifying the needs and priorities unique to our service delivery. GDV management and staff also provide support to the Council.
Dog Welfare and Ethics Advisory Committee
The Guide Dogs Victoria (GDV) Dog Welfare and Ethics Advisory Committee (DWEAC) was created to ensure the optimal welfare of the dogs in our care in accordance with legislation and our dog welfare governance framework.
Including external industry professionals and veterinarians, Guide Dog Handlers, GDV volunteers, and key members of the Dog and Vision Services Leadership Team, the committee is proud to step into this advisory role. We are privileged to have passionate members with expertise and knowledge in the field.
Child Safe Policy Statement
Child Safe Policy Statement
The safety and wellbeing of children is of the highest priority to Guide Dogs Victoria. We are committed to providing an environment where children and young people are safe, feel supported to share their concerns and have their voices heard.
All Guide Dogs Victoria staff and volunteers undergo a Working with Children check, Police Check, International Police Check and National Disability Worker Screening Check where appropriate.

GDV will undertake to:
- Take a preventative, proactive and participatory approach to child safety.
- Value and empower children to participate in decisions which affect their lives.
- Foster a culture of openness that supports all persons to safely disclose risks of harm to children.
- Respect diversity in cultures and child rearing practices while keeping child safety paramount.
- Provide guidance on appropriate conduct and behaviour towards children.
- Ensure children know who to talk with if they are worried or are feeling unsafe, and that they are comfortable and encouraged to raise their concerns.
- Report suspected physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse, neglect or mistreatment promptly to the appropriate authorities.
Other Policies
Other Policies
Feedback, policies and complaints.
Guide Dogs Victoria cares about
you and welcomes feedback on
the services we provide and the manner in which they are delivered. Learn more about providing feedback.

Annual Reports
Reporting our results
Each year, the Guide Dogs Victoria Annual Report summarises our work in the community over the previous financial year. It features commentary from key personnel, facts and figures, and outlines the positive impact we’ve been able to achieve.