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An invitation to the Otus Fellowship
The Otus Fellowship brings together like-minded supporters of Guide Dogs Victoria.
It’s all about giving you the option to connect with other people who intend to make a life-changing contribution to Guide Dogs through gifts in Wills. Joining the Otus Fellowship does not involve any fees or responsibilities on your behalf.
As a highly valued member of the Otus Fellowship, you’ll receive:
- A Certificate of Appreciation
- A unique membership pin
- Invitations to exclusive Guide Dogs events
- VIP updates on what’s happening at Guide Dogs Victoria

Why join the Otus Fellowship
If you choose to join, we’d love the opportunity to celebrate your contribution.
The Otus Fellowship honours and acknowledges the generosity of people who have remembered Guide Dogs Victoria in their Will.
It gives us the opportunity to thank you personally and recognise your generosity and concern in assisting with our work.
We understand that some people may prefer to keep your intentions private. We will always respect your wishes. However, it is important to us that we acknowledge and thank you for your contribution where possible. Plus, this also provides the opportunity to chat about the different ways we can honour your legacy.

Learn the history of the Otus Fellowship
A proud history.
Established in 2007, the Otus Fellowship was named to honour one of our champion stud dogs, Otus, who is a living legend at Guide Dogs Victoria. Otus’ first litter produced six Guide Dogs and one Pets as Therapy dog.
Otus officially retired from the breeding program in 2004 at the age of 10 and a half years, He was honoured in November 2004—receiving a medallion from the Board of Directors—and is incredibly fondly remembered by a large number of Guide Dogs Victoria supporters.
Contact us confidentially
Gifts in Wills
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