How to leave a gift in your Will.

We’re here to support you through every step of the process.
Two people outside looking at each other. One is holding the other at the elbow.
  • 1. Be inspired

    Be inspired by other people who’ve made a life-changing contribution. While every gift is unique, it’s always good to see and learn from the experience of other.
  • 2. Discuss

    Discuss your decision with your family and loved ones. This will ensure they understand and support your reasons for choosing to help Guide Dogs Victoria in such a powerful way.
  • 3. Contact

    Contact Lily and Mel in our Planned Giving team — by calling them on (03) 9372 4112 or getting in touch via email at Lily and Mel would love to hear from you and are there to provide all the information you need.
  • 4. Create

    Create incredible impact. Once your Will is updated in accordance with the advice of your legal advisor or solicitor, your life-changing wishes will be honoured.
  • 5. Consult

    Consult your legal advisor or solicitor to ensure the option you’ve chosen best reflects your wishes. We recommend you seek the advice of an independent solicitor or qualified legal advisor before making any changes to your Will. You should also seek qualified advice before choosing executors to administer your estate.
  • 6. Inform

    Inform us of your decision, if you choose to. That way, we can thank you for your generous contribution. Learn more about what you’ll get as a bequestor.

Contact us confidentially

Please complete our confidential response form to arrange for further information.

If you have any questions or would like to chat about Gifts in Wills, you can reach Lily & Mel in the Planned Giving team on or by completing the following form.

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