Why register?
Who is My Aged Care for?
If you’re over 65 years old, My Aged Care is the starting point for you to access funding supports through the aged care system. My Aged Care provides a single point of contact for older Australians entering the aged care system—and your carers and family members—to ensure you can easily find and access the right government-funded services to support your independence.
You can register with My Aged Care by contacting their help line on 1800 200 422. The team at My Aged Care will gather some details about your situation and the supports you rely on, and then connect you with an aged care assessor in your local area who will manage the rest of your registration.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funded supports for people living with a disability. However, eligibility for the NDIS is limited to people under the age of 65 at the time of applying.
If you are aged 65 or older, funded supports are accessed through the aged care system. Registering with My Aged Care is the first step towards accessing these funded supports.
When you register with My Aged Care, a record is created with a summary of your personal situation. As you progress through an aged care assessment towards receiving services, your summary will be shared with the people involved in coordinating your support, so you don’t have to keep repeating your story to different people.

What to expect from My Aged Care
Understanding the process.
After you’ve registered with My Aged Care, an aged care assessor from your local area will make an appointment to visit you at home. They will have a conversation with you to understand your situation and the supports you rely on.
Together, you will come up with a support plan, and your aged care assessor will begin to connect you with any ‘low-level’ funded supports you’ll need to remain independent. You can choose which service providers you want to be referred to, including Guide Dogs!
‘Low-level’ funded supports are generally provided at a subsidised rate (meaning the Government will pay for some of the total cost). Some providers will ask for a co-payment from you to make up the remaining cost, but we don’t. Services and supports from Guide Dogs do not require co-payments.

Frequently asked questions
Find the answers to common questions
Is there a cost for an aged care assessment?
No. There is no cost for an aged care assessment.
What will the aged care assessor want to know when they visit me?
All aged care assessments follow national guidelines that your assessor will adhere to. During the assessment, your assessor will ask about your strengths and abilities, areas where you have difficulty, and the supports that might best meet your needs and goals. They may ask about the services you already access, and about the things you rely on for support, including a family member, carer, or a Guide Dog!
If your support plan identifies a need for low-level funded supports, your assessor can start referring you directly to service providers who can assist.
What if the aged care assessor does not understand my needs?
Aged care assessors are highly experienced in their field, but some may need additional information to understand how to assist a person who is blind or has low vision. If your assessor is unsure of what support you may need, you can contact our Customer Service team 1800 804 805.
We’ll reach out to the assessor and let them know about the range of services available to people who are blind or have low vision. Alternatively, ask the assessor to refer you to Guide Dogs. We’ll be able to review your support plan and ensure that you have everything you’ll need.
Why do I need an aged care assessment if I’m not physically frail?
Aged care assessments are not just about your level of physical fitness. An assessor can also make a referral for vision and mobility services like Occupational Therapy, Orthoptics, and Orientation & Mobility. Your assessor will take a holistic approach to ensuring your independence and safety is future-proofed.
What are low-level funded supports?
Depending on your situation, your assessor can include a range of services in your support plan. These are supports provided on an episodic, or ‘low-level’ ongoing basis. Following your assessment, your assessor can start referring you directly to service providers for low-level funded supports.
These could include help around the house, with meals, or for personal care. If it’s appropriate, your assessor can also make referrals for home maintenance or home modifications, and for allied health and therapy services. Many of these services can be provided by your local council. Your assessor will be able to explain whether any of these supports would require a co-payment from you.
What if I need a piece of equipment?
Generally your assessor can only make a referral for equipment valued below $500. If you need a piece of equipment to achieve your independence goals, ask your assessor to refer you to Guide Dogs. If the equipment exceeds $500 in value, we may still be able to provide it under long-term loan.
What if I need more than low-level funded supports?
If your assessor recognises that you have more comprehensive in-home care needs, then you may receive approval for a Home Care Package. A Home Care Package is a pool of funds that have been allocated to an individual, which can be used to pay for higher level in-home aged care services.
Not every aged care assessor will be able to determine your eligibility for a Home Care Package, so you may be asked to participate in a second assessment, with an assessor who can make that determination.
What is a Home Care Package?
A Home Care Package is a pool of funds that have been allocated to a person which can be used to pay for higher level in-home aged care services. Depending on your situation, your assessor may approve you for a Home Care Package at Level 1, 2, 3 or 4.
A Home Care Package (Level 1) provides you with an annual budget up to the amount of $8,250 to pay for basic care needs. Each level increases in value, up to a Home Care Package (Level 4), which has a maximum annual budget of $50,250 for high-level care needs. These funds are used to pay for the services and equipment needed to maintain your independence within your home and community.
A Home Care Package requires ongoing co-payments from you. The exact amount of your co-payments will be determined by an income test, but you can generally expect to pay at least $10.43 per day toward the cost of your in-home care services. This amount is equivalent to 17.5% of the basic age pension.
What happens after I’ve been approved for a Home Care Package?
A limited number of Home Care Packages are available in your local area. Depending on your level of urgency, you may be placed on a waiting list until a Home Care Package becomes available in your area. While you are on the waiting list, your assessor can continue making referrals directly to service providers for any low-level funded supports you may need.
When a Home Care Package becomes available, you will receive a letter from My Aged Care inviting you to activate your funding by selecting a Home Care Package provider. A Home Care Package provider is a registered organisation that manages the funds in a Home Care Package. There are many organisations that you can choose as your Home Care Package provider. You can ask your aged care assessor to help you select a provider suited to your preferences.
When you have selected your preferred provider, they will appoint a Case Manager to coordinate your in-home care and handle any invoices billed to your package. Your Case Manager will meet with you to discuss your in-home care needs, and will provide you with written confirmation of the range of funded supports they will pay for with the funds from your package.
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