Update from BindiMaps, February 2024

February 03, 2024

Content provided by BindiMaps.

The Team at BindiMaps hopes you had fantastic holidays. As we stride into the new year, we have exciting events and updates to share with you, demonstrating our commitment to enhancing accessibility and providing enriching experiences for all.

Geelong Disability Expo

Mark your calendars for the Geelong Disability Expo, a two-day event at the Geelong Arena on Friday and Saturday 23 and 24 February from 9 am to 3 pm. Visit the BindiMpas stall to witness our innovative product suite in action! Using our free app, all users can find exhibitors, locate facilities, and explore the expo effortlessly! Register for the Geelong Disability Expo here.

It’s a Wrap-Australian Open 2024

We’ve just concluded our third year of providing accessible navigation for the Australian Open, contributing to the enjoyable experience of all tennis fans. We’re thrilled to play a role in ensuring accessibility at such a prestigious event! Read about the Guide Dogs Victoria’s staff and Client’s accessible experience at the AO here.

Discover Supported Locations

We’ve recently mapped the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre, check out all our BindiMapped locations on our website.

Stay Connected, follow BindiMaps on LinkedIn and Facebook.


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Guide Dogs Victoria Community Fair

Tickets are selling fast! Join us for the Community Fair on Saturday April 5.