Graduation Day 2019

November 07, 2019
On stage at the Hawthorn Town Hall on Graduation Day. Pictured is a Guide Dogs client with her yellow Guide Dog standing beside GM of Vision Services Leah McFadzean and Chairperson Iain Edwards

Guide Dogs Victoria (GDV) celebrated 77 new partnerships at its 2019 Graduation Day.

More than 400 guests filled the Hawthorn Arts Centre on Saturday, October 26, to recognise the achievements of this year’s graduating class.

The prestigious event honoured not only Guide Dog partnerships, but all the special ‘careers’ that GDV’s talented dogs pursue including Pets as Therapy Dogs, Companion Dogs, Service Dogs, Special Placement Dogs, Our Ambassadors and Dogs in the Breeding program.

Once again, Graduation Day was hosted by renowned media presenter and GDV Ambassador Peter Hitchener OAM. The ceremony featured speeches from GDV CEO Karen Hayes, Guide Dog Manager Paul Metcalf and Clients Cassandra Chiu and Maribel Steel.

Graduation Day is an acknowledgement of all the people who play a role in supporting each respective graduating team – from Puppy Raisers, to puppy sponsors, corporate partners and the dedicated GDV staff.


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