Changes to Victorian Accessibility Parking Permit

Previously people who use a long cane or a one-point mobility aid were not able to receive accessibility parking permits in Victoria.
Recently Transport Victoria has changed their eligibility criteria, so people who are legally blind may now meet the criteria for the permits. That includes if you are a passenger in a car, the permit allows you to park in accessible parking bays or for double the usual time in regular bays.
If you have tried in the past to apply and did not meet the criteria, you may be eligible now.
Documentation that states you are legally blind will also help with the application. Your GP or Occupational Therapist (OT) can support you for this.
If you need extra support, Guide Dogs Victoria have OT’s that can assist in your application.
For more information visit Transport Victoria’s website or click here to submit an application.

The new Victorian Accessible Parking Permit.