The Asian Executive 2019 Melbourne Cup Carnival Charity Ball

September 03, 2019

Celebrate in style and support a cause this racing season at The Asian Executive 2019 Melbourne Cup Carnival Charity Ball. The event will be held on Friday the 1st of November (7pm for a 7:30pm start) at the Palladium at Crown.

Net proceeds from pledges, raffles and the event’s silent auction are dedicated to Guide Dogs Victoria. As a proud beneficiary of this event, The Asian Executive have invited all of our supporters to take up a very special deal.

A table of 10 guests costs the general public $4,000 – but for GDV supporters, they are offering the same arrangement for only $2,800 (incl. GST) – a 30% discount!

Amazing value  – The Palladium at Crown will be beautifully themed for glamour and sophistication and will be the glittering setting for the official presentation of the 2019 Lexus Melbourne Cup Trophy, a 3-course meal with premium wines and the classiest social networking event for the international investment industry for the Melbourne Spring Racing Carnival.

CEO of Guide Dogs Victoria, Karen Hayes AM will present during the first half of the evening’s program.

The second half of the program will present a spectacular tribute to the great dance music of the eighties.

To claim your special discount, head here >, go to GET TICKETS and type in access code GDV2019 to obtain your special discounted table price. This deal must end by 1 October and we have allocated only a limited number of great tables at this price to benefit all supporters alike.  


Hope to see you there on Friday evening, 1 November.


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Guide Dogs Victoria Community Fair

Tickets are selling fast! Join us for the Community Fair on Saturday April 5.