Wellbeing Workshop – Living with Blindness or Low Vision: Sharing Your Journey 

Date | Time
Thu 15 August, 2024 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Guide Dogs Victoria, Chandler Highway, Kew VIC, Australia

About the event

A person sitting in front of a blue graffiti wall, smiling, with their black Labrador Guide Dog sitting at their feet.

Are you adjusting to changes in your vision, or supporting someone who is? Please join us at our upcoming workshop, focused on understanding the journey and common experiences of living with blindness or low vision.

Facilitated by psychologist Karen Knight, this free session will provide a safe and comfortable space to learn, connect with others and share your experiences. Information will be shared about support that is available and strategies you can use to care for yourself and others along the way.

Date: Thursday 15 August 2024

Time: 1 pm to 4 pm

Location: Guide Dogs Victoria’s Kew Campus in the Betty Amsden Education Centre, 2-6 Chandler Highway, Kew 3101

This free session is open to people with lived experience of blindness or low vision along with their partners, families and carers.

Reserve your place now via the online booking link: Living with Blindness or Low Vision: Sharing Your Journey.

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