Careers Information Session – Orientation and Mobility Specialist and Guide Dog Mobility Instructor
- Date | Time
- Thu 07 September, 2023 12:00pm to 2:00pm
- Location
Guide Dogs Victoria, Chandler Highway, Kew VIC, Australia
- Attendance
- This is a Free event
- Contact
About the event

Are you interested in a specialised career supporting people with low vision or blindness? Have you heard of Orientation and Mobility?
Guide Dogs Victoria is offering an opportunity to learn about a career in Orientation and Mobility and the UNSW Graduate Diploma in Orientation and Mobility. An information session will be held on;
- Thursday the 7th September 2023
- 12.00pm to 2.00pm
- Guide Dogs Victoria, Betty Amsden Centre, 3 Chandler Hwy Victoria
- RSVP your attendance by 4th September 2023 to
The session will be co-presented by representatives of both Guide Dogs Victoria and UNSW and include a practical experience.
What is Orientation and Mobility Specialist?
Orientation and Mobility (O&M) is about ensuring people with low vision or blindness can move around their home and community safely. It’s about people being able to identify and understand where they are (orientation) and safely move around in that location (mobility).
What about a Guide Dog Mobility Instructor?
Guide Dog Mobility Instructors (GDMI) are qualified Orientation and Mobility Specialists who extend their learning to Guide Dog mobility to ensure people with low vision or blindness move around their home and community safely with a Guide Dog. To further qualify as a GDMI, you undergo an additional 2 – 3 year cadetship run by Guide Dogs Victoria.
What qualification do I need to become an Orientation and Mobility Specialist (O&M)?
The University of NSW (UNSW) offers a Graduate Diploma in Orientation and Mobility, providing graduates with specialised knowledge, and critical and analytical skills to support lifelong learning. Further information about the course can be found here.
Want to know more?
Any further queries regarding employment at Guide Dogs Victoria please email