2021 Children’s Mobility Service Group Programs

Date | Time
Mon 12 April, 2021

About the event

Our Children’s Mobility Service has an exciting line-up of group programs planned for 2021. These programs address mobility, social, and independent living goals to compliment your child’s individual services and skill development.

We are now taking expressions of interest for the programs below. Children and their families can register their interest by contacting our Customer Service Team on 1800 804 805 or

We Need to Talk – two-part program


This program will run in two parts during 2021 – in the April school holidays, followed by the June school holidays. For best outcomes, participants are requested to attend both parts one and two.

Part one: 10 am – 4 pm, April 12, 13 and 14 (Term one school holidays)

Part two: 10 am – 4 pm, June 28, 29 and 30 (Term two school holidays)


For secondary school-aged students.


This program aims to boost confidence and self-esteem in social settings, under the guidance of experienced guest speakers and mentors with lived experience.

Participants will learn how to build the skills required to make and maintain quality relationships and emphasise peer-to-peer learning.

Lunch will be provided. The program will be held in a central Melbourne location close to public transport, most likely in the CBD.

Supported by Coca-Cola Australia Foundation.




Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 July (Term two school holidays)


For primary school-aged students.


Held over two days, this program will focus on further developing participants’ understanding of their body in space, learn about road and traffic concepts, self-orientation strategies and use of sensory information to draw meaningful understanding of their environment.

This program is an opportunity for students who are blind or have very low vision to learn in an environment that facilitates exploration of ideas and skills unique to a traveller who is blind.

Supported by The Shine On Foundation.


Snack Attack


Expressions of interest being sought for dates in the Term three school holidays.


For students aged 7-15.


This program will support children to develop basic meal preparation skills for developing independence in preparing their own after school snacks.

Over a full day, students will practice preparing a smoothie, making a toasted sandwich, and baking.

These activities will involve reading and following an accessible recipe, measuring and cutting ingredients, and using heated appliances.

And of course students will get to devour their delicious snacks as they prepare them!

Supported by The Shine On Foundation.


Day Spa


Expressions of interest being sought for dates in the Term three school holidays.


For secondary school-aged students.


This fun and social program will support tweens and teens of all genders to develop independence in self-grooming skills.

In a fun, action-packed day, participants will:

  • Practice styling their own hair using products or using a hair dryer, curler or straightener safely
  • Gain an understanding of skin care
  • Practice nail care including cutting, cleaning and, if interested, painting and removing nail polish
  • Learn basic make-up application skills, and
  • Finish the day with a relaxation session to learn strategies to foster mental self-care

Supported by The Shine On Foundation.

Into the Wild


Wednesday 22 September (Term three school holidays)


For primary school-aged students.


Join us at Melbourne Zoo for a fun mobility program focusing on the development of skills including self-advocacy, mapping, problem-solving, using technology for navigation, and utilising beacon technology.

Supported by The Shine On Foundation.


Fun Day Out


Thursday 23 September (Term three school holidays)


For secondary school-aged students.


We’re planning a fun and relaxed social gathering. More details to come!

Supported by: The Shine On Foundation.


Transition program


Term four – date to be confirmed


For primary school-aged students transitioning to secondary school.


Held over Zoom, this virtual session will cover core and general Orientation and Mobility skills required for students transitioning to secondary school in 2022.

This will likely compliment a one-on-one program with your child, building on concepts and skills that can be taught virtually and reinforced face-to-face.

Supported by The Shine On Foundation.


Children’s Mobility Service Annual Camp


Expressions of interest currently being sought for late 2021 or January 2022 school holidays.


For both primary and secondary school-aged students.

Supported by The Shine On Foundation.

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