Meet Kenzo

A typical day for Kenzo includes visiting various campuses across Peninsula Health and spending time checking in on our hard-working health care worker employees. There are lots of interesting sights and sounds in a big hospital and Kenzo loves visiting all the different areas like the Emergency Department, wards and taking walks in our surrounding parks with staff on breaks.  

Kenzo surrounded by 3 healthcare workers

“I was feeling overwhelmed and emotionally spent. Having Kenzo in the office immediately brightened my day. I think it is the joyfulness and “live in the moment” attitude that dogs project that makes such a difference. Unconditional love and affection, especially in COVID times where physical contact like hugging is discouraged is what Kenzo means to me” – Sue G. 

Kenzo has the official title of The Director of Happiness at Peninsula Health and one of our staff even made him a special collar and lead with his title embroidered on it. He is much loved and likes to greet everyone with one of his favourite soft toys, which he carries with him wherever he goes.  Kenzo is great at helping busy health care workers stop, and experience little moments of connection and joy in their otherwise busy and stressful day. 

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Guide Dogs Victoria Community Fair

Tickets are selling fast! Join us for the Community Fair on Saturday April 5.